Friday, April 15, 2011

It's Finally Friday

I can't begin to describe what kind of week this has been.  Great moments and not so great moments.  At this point I am not sure whether to laugh or cry.
The whole Optifast thing...not too bad.  As of Tuesday I had lost 5 pounds for the week.  I'm proud of that.  I believe that by this coming Tuesday I will have lost 50 pounds.  That's phenomenal for me.  I never thought I could do that.  I thought for sure the only possible way to do that would be to have some kind surgery to turn my stomach into the size of a peanut.  I'm just not a gastric bypass or lap band kind of girl.  You know how you just know when something is not right for you?  I've always known that.  I'm happy for people who do it and it works.  That's great.  Just not my thing.  And of course, I have gone somewhat to an extreme but I'm also learning a lot from my group meetings and have met some really great people.  And my new found relationship with exercise?  Incredible.  And I know it will be the exercise that will save me and keep me on track.
I have been going through some medical issues this week.  Very tiring...the whole waiting game for bloodwork, x-rays, etc.  I haven't wanted to really talk about it thus far but today I will share that it appears that the worst case scenarios are not in play!  I don't have Rheumatoid Arthritis and I don't have Lupus.  At this point, I probably do have some kind of an auto immune disorder but exactly what remains to be seen.  I have some very strange symptoms and as I understand it, it's hard to diagnose in this area.  Wait and see.  I do that a lot.
Totally unrelated to that, I did get the privilege of seeing Dr. Sharma today.  She is my trusty Dermatologist.  I have had a strange reddish thing on my left temple for about 2 months now.  It just refuses to go away.  And it kind of hurts.  So she looked at it today and used the "C" word.  Yep, it looks like some sort of skin cancer.  She did a biopsy.  And guess what?  I get to wait and see!  I'm not too concerned about it.  I know this happens to a lot of people and this too shall pass.  I just want the ugly thing gone.
While sitting in the waiting room at the doctor today, I overheard an elderly gentleman's conversation with the receptionist.  It was short but very, very cute and it went like this...Man: Hi there young lady.  Woman: Hello Sir, how are you?  Man: I'm just fine and I want you to know that I really do like your teeth.  Woman: Why, thank you very much.  Man: So tell me, are those really yours?!  Woman: As far as I know!  Man: Wow!  Made me smile!
I am sitting here at my work computer.  Note to all County spies: I am OFF the clock!  The reason why I am blogging from work is that my computer at home finally crashed and burned last night.  Dead as a dead thing.  Not sure what to do at this point.  I will take it in tonight.  Thankfully today is payday.  I guess if it cannot be fixed, I will be shopping for a new computer.  Oh PLEEEEEZE let it be fixed.  Today is April 15.  I owe the IRS money this weekend.  Hate them.  About as much as a new computer.  Figures.
I tried 4 new things this week.  1.  Fat Burning Pilates  2.  Sculpt Yoga.  3.  Zumba  4.  Turbo Kickboxing.  Loved the Pilates.  Hated the Yoga.  Kind of loved the Zumba (I made it 30 minutes out of an hour).  And REALLY hated the Turbo Asskicking.  I mean Kickboxing.  I made it a whole 7 minutes out of an hour!  Didn't even make it past the warm-up.  The instructor said if we worked our maximum, we could burn 1000 calories.  Really?  I only take in less than 400 calories a day.  If my calculations are correct, by the end of the hour, I would have been as dead as my computer!
So that was just a few tidbits from my week.  I left out the worst of it.  Who needs it?  I'm still plodding along...all will be ok!  But let me tell you something - as I told someone very close to me (and who has to hear all of my bitching every single day and still loves me).  This is such a crap world!  But I'm thankful for my faith, my friends, my family, my pets, and all the little things that make me smile! ♥

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