Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What Happened to the Eval?

Day 28

4 weeks done.  I'm feeling pretty good.  I have made exercise more of a priority.  I'm a big fan of Discovery Lake because it's so pretty and best of all, it's flat!  I haven't attempted hills yet.  I know I'm not ready for that.  I think the best part of the week was the pants I had on yesterday.  They were way too big.  Holy crap!  I am making a pile of "too big" clothes.  It's not a mountain of clothes yet but just a couple of things.  However, I hope someday soon it will be a mini mountain!  Here's a one-question multiple choice quiz:  Who said this? "You lost 4.2 pounds this week?  That is great!  I think if you would increase your exercise you will lose more next week."  Choose A) Best Friend B) Husband or C)Mother.  Really?  Nothing like being praised but then being told in a round about way that you could really do better.  I took a deep breath and said to myself "issue to discuss with my therapist next Monday.  Check."

Weight Lost: 4.2 pounds
Total Lost (4 weeks): 30.0 pounds
Answer to Multiple Choice: C


I hate this time change.  I'm ok with it in the Summer but it's still Winter and it just feels wrong. And I get into bed and I can't sleep.  And then in the morning the alarm goes off and it's dark outside and I feel like death warmed over.  Very hard adjustment for me.
I have been missing my Large Nonfat European Mocha Lite Whip from Ryan Bros.  They're the best.  They put Starbucks to shame.  I think tomorrow I will stop by there and get a black coffee just so I can stop by and say hi and pick up some dog cookies for Rox.  Any place that puts a big bowl of water and a big treat jar outside for our fur friends gets an A++ from me!  And yes, I am saving quite a bit of $ by drinking just a cup of black coffee now and then.  It's funny because when you don't eat or drink anything from a restaurant or store, you spend ZERO money.  I just don't need it for anything.  It's like a built-in savings account.
Got my 2010/2011 evaluation from work.  My boss rocks.  She gave me an "Above Standard" rating.  Actually, I rock!  The boss didn't do my job...I did my job!  Anyway, I can't get a big head and slough off so I will aim to get an X in at least one "Excellence" box next year.  Those are hard to get (I think?).  I've never had one so I'm guessing they don't come easy.  It's the County.  They don't want anyone to think they are all that.  Besides, we don't get paid to be all that.  Every year when I get my eval I think back to the last year that I worked for the Superior Court.  I had that awful Martha Baker as my Supervisor.  She was as mean as hell.  I think she was what they call a Devil's Advocate.  I was finally going to make my escape from her clutches because I got a new job at the DA's office.  So she gave me my last eval.  It wasn't very pretty.  And I still remember her parting words..."YOU MUST BE SURE AND SIGN THIS AND LEAVE IT FOR ME BEFORE YOU EXIT THIS OFFICE".  Yeah, ok Martha Baker.  The last I remember about that eval is that it was being passed around from co-worker to co-worker at the bar @ Acapulco Restaurant during Happy Hour.  It was providing great entertainment to all who read.  We laughed and laughed some more and then we all made ugly Martha Baker faces and then...that night I was home watching TV and all of a sudden I remembered...THE EVAL!  What the heck happened to the eval?  It's final resting spot was Acapulco Restaurant.  I can only guess that possibly it was used for the good of the people?  To cover a cough or a sneeze?  To replace the non-existent toilet paper in the restroom?  Kindling for the outdoor firepit?  Or maybe just a handy dandy spilled Margarita wiper-upper?  Every time I eat at Acapulco I glance toward the bar...and smile! ♥

P.S.  New fun thing starting on my next Blog!

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