Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Got Undies?

Day 22

I feel like crap today.  I guess I am entitled to those days once in a while.  I hate shakes.  I hate fat.  Although I really have nothing to complain about.  I'm losing weight and am more active.  As hard as it was, I took Roxie for a nice walk.  I was happy this morning...walked into the kitchen at work and a group was having a breakfast party.  Fresh fruit, quiche, and other things.  I looked at all of it and it didn't even bother me.  So somewhere in this body there is progress!

Ash Wednesday...I'm not Catholic and I have never really learned the meaning of the ash on the forehead, etc. I should probably read up on it to be more informed.  But what strikes me as funny is that some of the people who were out last night and drunk off their asses celebrating Fat Tuesday (and of course the "flashing for beads") are the same people who were in church today being holy.  I know a lot of people will fault me for my way of thinking but that's what the Blog is's my opinion.  Take it or leave it.  I will never forget the day many, many years ago that a friend walked in and I looked at her and said "Holy crap what happened to your forehead?  Did you fall down?"  And THAT is how I learned about Ash Wednesday!  Oops.

Doris passed away today shortly after 11:30am.  I cried when Judy called.  It was a sad moment for me.  I remember not too long ago when I said I wouldn't care at all if and when she died.  I was wrong.  I'm not that hard of a person.  I came to my own resolve and understanding the past 3 weeks that she has been so ill.  We talked and while our conversation wasn't at length, we made peace in our own way.  And this past Saturday is when everything truly changed for me.  I saw her in a different light and while I won't go into detail, all is well.  I wish I had a picture to post.  I will do that another day.  I think she had a hard life and I think she was very, very tired.  She is finally at rest.

And on a lighter's a typical Julie story.  Mom/Dad called and were taking the dogs out for a walk.  They asked if I wanted to go.  I did not want to go.  No way, no how.  But I did.  Roxie was not up for a walk and I pretty much had to drag her.  We got up a hill and at the top of that hill is a soccer field.  So I told Roxie we needed to run from one end to the other.  She was not thrilled at all but was willing to try.  So we start our little jaunt.  I maybe got 30 feet and felt my pants falling down.  They have gotten loose since the diet.  In a split second they were down around my ankles.  How do these things happen to me?!  Luckily I had a long shirt on which kind of but not really covered me.  But I had to bend over to pull them back up.  Mom is laughing hysterically.  She's got tears coming out of her eyes.  But the funniest part of all is she said "YOUNG LADY WHERE ARE YOUR UNDERPANTS"?  Then it was my turn to laugh!  I told her I wasn't wearing any.  Her moment of laughter was immediately over!  She looked at me with complete horror in her eyes and said "YOU SHOULD NEVER, EVER GO WITHOUT WEARING UNDERPANTS.  DO YOU ALWAYS DO THAT?  THAT IS JUST NOT ACCEPTABLE"!  She about had a stroke right there on the soccer field!  I explained to her that yes, I do wear UNDERPANTS.  I told her I was wearing my yoga pants and did not feel the need for UNDERPANTS for that 1/2 hour walk!  She was spittin' mad!  I know exactly what she was saying to herself..."where did I go wrong with that child - I am a failure as a parent - she has absolutely no morals or values - she needs prayer"!  Yeah well, we could all use some prayer.  Poor Dad...he is probably at home having to listen to her rant and rave about my sin!  And with that...I am signing off.  Time for American Idol.  I wonder if JLo is wearing UNDERPANTS tonight???? Hmmmm...  What a floozy if she isn't! ♥

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