Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve Day

Went to the mall this afternoon.  I can't even begin to describe the crowds.  And the strollers.  Honestly, they are the most annoying contraptions.  And where are the kids that should be in these strollers?  Why are they not in these puke-stained cheerio encrusted little seats on wheels?  I will tell you where they are.  They are looking one way and running into me at full speed.  Kids are the craziest little beings.  They look one way, walk another, and then when they run into you they give you the look.  The "what the hell" look.  If they could think and talk fast enough they would be saying "I'm telling my mommy you biznotch".  Meanwhile...back at the mall...Mommy is pushing this creepy looking stroller with a crazed look in her eyes and she has completely filled this thing with shopping bags.  I'm pretty sure that there are shoppers in the mall who leave the kid at home and just take the stroller.  I'll bet you big money on that one! It's a sure-fire way of getting everyone else to move the heck out of the way or get crushed!  Craziness I tell you. 
I had a coupon for a free burger at Red Robin and it's at the mall so I wanted to redeem it.  They call it the birthday burger.  Hey, what a concept.  Anyway, it's nice to get a free $10 burger.  But as I found out today, nothing is free.  The other night I was at PF Changs.  The server brings me a dessert and discreetly says "happy birthday".  And my dad says "aren't you going to embarrass her and sing"?  And the server whispers..."we are not allowed to sing - we will get fired if we do".  Amen to that!  My kind of place.  Back at Red Robin...they give you this free burger and you think they couldn't possibly want to do more for you.  Wrong.  I am pretty sure about 87 employees walked up to the table.  The server placed a hot fudge sundae in front of me, and they all belted out some sort of crazy sounding birthday tune.  I was completely surprised and embarassed!  And as you sit there while they are serenading you, can see all the other customers staring.  Stop staring, people!  Take your strollers and get out!
On a serious note, as we sat in Red Robin a woman came along pushing her elderly mother in a wheelchair (NOT a stroller).  She got her mom seated - it was just a small table for 2.  It was one of those half-booth, half-tables.  Mom sat in the booth.  But instead of this woman sitting in her chair she went and shared that small little space on the bench with her mother.  It was sweet to see.  They both ordered a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon and they sat there enjoying the wine and sharing a chicken quesadilla.  They didn't talk.  I don't know why but I guess they didn't really need to.  Will I do something like that someday with my mother?  She does not like Red Robin, she does not like cheese quesadillas, and she certainly would not like a glass of cab.  But this mother and daughter did and it seemed as if they were having a delightful meal.  Like I said, it was sweet.
It's past midnight.  It is officially Christmas Eve Day and tomorrow is Christmas 2010.  Wish I were having Christmas where it snows...♥

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