It's been a rather weird day. I can't even put it into words. So I think I will just leave it to rest. As for tomorrow...I am off work. I have a list a mile long of things to do so I will probably just end up picking and choosing. Pedicure and the gym are the most important so if I get those 2 things done, I will have had a good day. I have 2 people whom I owe telephone calls to. Failed again today. I am so bad at returning calls so if you are reading this and I owe you a call, so sorry. I used to be very good at it but not so much anymore.
The dog upstairs is driving me to drink. Although I only drink Optifast shakes... He or she barks and barks and barks and then barks some more. I don't blame her - I blame her idiot owners because if she is out on the balcony barking all the time, she is not getting enough quality time with her humans. I know, I should probably call someone and complain but I think I have caused enough neighborly hate with them (ever since I called the sheriff and one of them got arrested). So I guess she can bark for as long as she darn well pleases. Just reinforces what a good dog I have in Roxie! Love that girl. ♥
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