Thursday, June 30, 2011

Family Meal

I think when I posted the other day I said I would finish the second part "tomorrow".  My tomorrows are certainly long and drawn out.
Soooo - back to what I was saying "yesterday"...
During the reception our family got together and decided to have dinner somewhere.  When you have over 10 people it's near to impossible for the whole group to decide on one particular place.  Aunt Cheryl mentioned Taco Bell (that would be because she loves Taco Bell and Texans claim that Texas Taco Bells in no way compare to California Taco Bells).  Who knew?  So after we all told her "NO" in unison, Uncle Ben said "PF Chang's".  Luigi was all for that one as were some others but we also got some ugly faces.  So then someone said "Cheesecake Factory".  Ok...that made everyone happy for the most part.  I mentioned that there may be a wait so asked Dan to call and put our name in.  Silly me.  There is no such thing as putting your name in at Cheesecake Factory on a Saturday at 6:00pm.  So we drive there.  You have to be familiar with Fashion Valley Mall in San Diego to truly appreciate the pain it causes to even enter the parking lot.  There ain't no economic depression in that part of the world!  So we come up with a plan.  I drive and Luigi and Mom are in the backseat.  Luigi is to jump out and put our name in.  We leave him to fight his way into there and then I drive across the parking lot so Mom can jump out at PF Chang's and put our name in.  Whoever has the least wait is the winning restaurant.  Meanwhile we have called Josh and Michelle to come meet us.  It takes a good 3 minutes to drive across the parking lot.  You could walk faster - really you could.  Bev hops out and we go back to pick up Luigi at the Factory.  No Luigi.  So we circle around.  By the way, the whole loop takes 5 minutes at a time.  He finally texts me and tells me he is still in line to put his name in to wait in line.  Wow.  Back to PF Chang's to pick up Mom.  She says 1 hour/45 minutes.  Has her little pager.  Back to pick up Luigi.  Still not out front.  Do the route again.  Finally on the 3rd time he comes out and says 2 hours/30 minutes.  Way worse.  He jumps in the car and we circle to find parking and we see all the rest of the family going in the door.  We find parking and all convene in the lobby of the Factory.  We have 2 little kids and know they are not going to last over 2 hours.  We need to pick a new restaurant.  But then good news...Mom's PF Chang's pager went off!  So 13 of us trek on over to PF Chang's.  We have people using canes, people pushing strollers, tired people, you name it.  I'm still in the car so drive over there with Mom and her pager.  We all arrive at the same time and we are told that she broke the rules and went out of range and thus...the pager went off!  Nice!  Everyone is huffing and puffing and we say "false alarm"!  Geez.  So we call El Torito across the freeway and they say "no wait".  So we all manage to get people, strollers, and the like all packed in to cars so we can go to El Torito.  And don't forget to call Josh and Michelle to tell them of the location change.  So I drive to El Torito...Luigi goes in there and guess what?  A party of 14 just walked in ahead of us!  Of course they did.  Yet another wait.  We were all so exhausted by this time that everyone just wanted to go bed!  However, we finally did get a table and we did have a nice time!  Josh and Michelle made it - worked out good for them because Michelle got to go into Express and buy a new top during the whole chaos thing so they missed the real fun.  Here is Josh and Michelle...perhaps this is the top she bought?

Josh & Michelle

Of course, the 3 year old let loose of his balloons in the restaurant and oops, broke the ceiling fan!  This is what we caused...

This is us waiting outside of El Torito...not sure what he was looking at.  My feet?  Down my dress?  I don't think he knew either.

And here is a pic of most of the family after the service and a pick of all the cousins (Melika is Andy's significant other) except for Josh who was...I don't know...learning to tie yellow ribbons on trees or something?  Seriously, he was at a Yellow Ribbon something having to do with military duty.  Of which I am proud of and definitely thank him for his service!
Dan, Julie, Andy, and Melika
Hugh, Julie, Bev, Vickie, Wendell, Cheryl, Ben, and Dan
And THAT my friends is the rest of the story.  Amidst the chaos it was nice to have the family together again.  May be a long time before we get to do that again.  And we STILL won't go to Taco Bell! ♥

Monday, June 27, 2011

Thoughts on a Memorial Service

So I've been often dangerous thing for me to do.  I seem to get myself in a lot of trouble when I think too much.
But here's the thing...Grandma Verna's memorial service was on Saturday afternoon.  Our whole family was there which was kind of cool.  Mom's brother and sister, spouses, and all the cousins.  The service was nice.  The flowers were beautiful.  Here's a picture of what it looked like:

It all went off without a hitch.  Lovely memorial.  I know you are hearing a this.  And if so, you are correct.  First off, Verna has been my "Grandma" for about 32 years.  She married my grandfather after my real Grandma died in 1978.  I can't say it was a completely beautiful and wonderful thing but it all worked out for the most part.  But I am not here to talk about the last 32 years and what went on during that time.  She has been my 2 youngest cousins' Grandma their whole life.  They never knew the real one as they were born after she passed away.  Anyway, to explain the family situation, Verna had 2 grown children when she married my Grandpa.  Sandy and Dennis.
Then there was our family.  Sandy never had children and sadly predeceased Verna 2 years ago.  Dennis had 2 children, Ryan and Kelly.  We all knew those were her favorite grandchildren and really, that is ok and understandable.  The two families never meshed though.  Actually, the opportunity never presented itself in all 32 years with the exception of my Grandpa's memorial and Sandy's memorial. 
Here's the deal...I had a pretty good relationship with Verna - we had our moments but for the most part, it was fine.  I learned to accept her and while I did not call her "Grandma" to her face, I considered her my Grandmother.  She always signed her cards to me "Grandma Verna".  At the service, Verna's REAL family sat on the left side and her fake family (us) sat on the right.  And the one thing that really bothers me is that not ONE time were any of us mentioned as being her family.  Not a word.  And when the pastor spoke and mentioned the family, he turned from us and spoke to the left side.  It was as if the last 32 years just vanished.  As I recall, it was a service for Verna Hesseltine.  We were the Hesseltine Family sitting there.   Frankly, it sucked.  And now that a couple of days have passed, I feel slighted and basically, pissed off.  What is wrong with people?  When my Grandfather died, the left side was included as "family".  But I guess that is what is called taking the high road. 
So I am left wondering...what is the true definition of family?  Granted, we may not have been the left side's family but we sure as hell were Verna's family.  So we were just a family of 15 sitting on the right side, watching a service for the dearly departed as if we never existed?  I guess that's it.  People are just not very loving or thoughtful these days.  That is the cold harsh reality.
As it turned out, after we left the church, the right side group of 15 got together and had a really nice dinner out.  After much to-do in finding a restaurant...which I will write about in tomorrow night's Blog!
Happy Tuesday to everyone. ♥

Friday, June 24, 2011


Trying to figure out why the longer this diet goes, the harder it gets.  Some days I feel as if I am barely hanging on by a thread.  You just don't feel normal when you can't eat or drink.  But then again, being fat does not feel normal either.  So when I question what in the heck I am doing...I am feeling better and prolonging my life.  Simple as that.
Tomorrow will be a very long day.  Gym first thing in the morning, church after that, then to Point Loma for Grandma Verna's service.  After that, a big family dinner out at a restaurant.  I believe that is where people go to dine, as in EAT.  Water with lemon for me, please!  Anyway, I will see lots of family.  Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins.  Good FB and Blog picture posting.
I got out of Costco today for $36.00.  Unheard of! 
I'm afraid I have nothing noteworthy or funny to say today.  The Blogger is flailing!  I'll get it back...I promise.
And if you are wondering how the title of today's Blog fits in with it's content.  Wonder no more.  It doesn't!  Just what I felt like calling it today...
Happy Weekend everyone. ♥

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Got Bark?

It's been a rather weird day.  I can't even put it into words.  So I think I will just leave it to rest.  As for tomorrow...I am off work.  I have a list a mile long of things to do so I will probably just end up picking and choosing.  Pedicure and the gym are the most important so if I get those 2 things done, I will have had a good day. I have 2 people whom I owe telephone calls to.  Failed again today.  I am so bad at returning calls so if you are reading this and I owe you a call, so sorry.  I used to be very good at it but not so much anymore.
The dog upstairs is driving me to drink.  Although I only drink Optifast shakes... He or she barks and barks and barks and then barks some more.  I don't blame her - I blame her idiot owners because if she is out on the balcony barking all the time, she is not getting enough quality time with her humans. I know, I should probably call someone and complain but I think I have caused enough neighborly hate with them (ever since I called the sheriff and one of them got arrested).  So I guess she can bark for as long as she darn well pleases.  Just reinforces what a good dog I have in Roxie!  Love that girl. ♥

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

20 Weeks!!!

Happy Wednesday everyone!

I have so much to say that I just don't know where to start.  So I need to sort out my thoughts and do a real post tomorrow night.

One quick 20 week Optifast program ended tonight.  I DID IT!  There were days I was sure I couldn't go another minute but something strong inside me always took over and pushed me on.  For some reason I had come up with a goal of 80-85 pounds.  I did not hit that goal but I came pretty darn close!  As of today I have lost 71.2 pounds!  I'm proud of myself.  I will talk more about it tomorrow.  I have re-enrolled in the program and will continue on.  I'm so close to 100 pounds so I can't stop now!  So please...keep those lunch and dinner invitations in hiding for now.  But feel free to invite me on a walk or to have a coffee or tea.

Until tomorrow...♥

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Still Alice

When did a cell phone become so darn important in my life?  I didn't think it was until it died.  I have a loaner right now from Sprint.  I haven't used it but thank goodness I have it!  So ridiculous really.  I used to survive without a cell, without cable, without a microwave oven, and without this computer.  Unreal!
I have been reading a book this week that I absolutely LOVE.  It has touched me in so many ways.  It's about a 50 year old woman who is diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's.  It's fiction but written by an expert in the field.  I highly recommend is called "Still Alice".  I keep thinking how Alice felt bad for thinking this but she thought that she would rather have cancer than Alzheimer's.  Her thoughts were that with cancer at least there are options to help you fight.  You can do chemo, radiation, etc.  It's truly up to fate, God, whatever you believe in that decides if you will win the fight or not.  But at least you got the chance and had the ability to "hope".  But with Alzheimer's...there is nothing to help you fight with.  It's fatal, it's final.  And you can't stop it no matter how hard you try.
Here's the book...

It's Father's Day (now that it is 12:22am)...I've never gotten a thrill out of that one.  I lump it in with Mother's Day and Valentine's Day.  All 3 I could do without.  I know, sounds harsh but I just have never been excited about any of these occasions.  However, it's just a few hours and like most everything else, it won't negatively impact my life to the point of doom.
Roxie lost her favorite orange bandana today.  We don't know where it went.  We backtracked through town today but couldn't find it anywhere.  When I say Roxie's favorite I truly mean my favorite.  I love anything orange.  Don't ask me where that weird quirk came from.
Luigi and I got into a friendly argument tonight about the song "All By Myself".  I absolutely love that's always meant something to me - one of those private memories that you carry with you your whole life.  So Charice was on PBS tonight with David Foster.  She is phenomenal to me.  I think she has one of the most beautiful voices ever.  She sang All By Myself tonight and she was incredible.  But then Luigi said that no one can sing it like Celine.  Is he kidding me?  I am not a Celine fan.  And he said that people should not mess with her song.  I reminded him that Celine messed with Eric Carmen's song.  He owns that song.  Not Celine and not even Charice.  My point of this?  Well, there really is no point except that I love that song and lately, I really love Charice.
Time for bed...sleep is a beautiful thing! ♥

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Graduation @ Home

I am at a senior high school graduation right here in my home office.  No, I did not receive an invitation and no, I do not know any of the graduates.  But at 7:05 I started hearing a band play.  None other than Pomp & Circumstance.  What does that mean anyway - the whole Pomp & Circumstance thing?  I need to google that one.  The next block down is Mission Hills High School and it is definitely graduation night.  P & C went on for about 20 minutes so I assume we have a lot of eager graduates being released into the big bad world.  Then I heard a couple of solos.  I believe someone is giving a speech right now - I will guess the Valedictorian.  What I'm really waiting for is the reading of the names for the diplomas.  That should take a good hour.  Anyway...such a touching ceremony...ha ha!
Finally tomorrow is Friday.  I had to work ALL week and that makes for a long week.  I prefer to get in at least one day off per week although that is not really the norm.  But last week was a short week and next week is a short week again. 
Most of the invitations for Luigi's 50th party have been sent out.  I still have a few to go but the hard part is done.  The cake is ordered.  NY Rangers logo front and center.  I ordered the cake from Freed's Bakery in Vegas.  I actually found this bakery many years ago after watching Rachel Ray's $40 a Day show on Food Network.  I tried it one day and yes, it was a delicious piece of cake.  So they have my business!
I need some weekend plans...wish I were away this weekend.  But alas, I will have to be creative to entertain myself.
Would anyone believe me if I said I want to get a tattoo?  Hmmm - would she or wouldn't she?  I can't see myself getting one but if I did it would be small and probably hidden. J ♥ L - cute huh?  I think so! We'll just have to see about that...

Monday, June 13, 2011

On Love and Appreciation

I feel like I have a lot to say because I have been a Blog-Lagger.  So I think I will just touch on a few thoughts...
Last Tuesday I went to group and we were told that our Physician's Assistant, Jennifer, who is available to us every Tuesday night, had passed away in her sleep a few days before.  Wow - that came as a shock. I really liked her as did everyone else.  Very sad news.
And on Saturday I saw a friend from church who is very ill with Stage 4 Breast and Bone Cancer.  It was so good to see her yet quite sad to see her and what she is going through.  She said it is so frustrating and she gets very angry because her mind works just fine yet her body is not within her control.  She can't even get into bed to sleep.  She has to sleep on the couch.  Her husband helps her shower and dress.  She can't sit up in a chair.  She is couch-ridden.  Her first visit from Hospice was last Thursday.  She said they were very helpful and so nice to deal with.  What touched me is that she said she is so thankful that it is her who got the cancer and not her husband.  She said she couldn't bear to see him in as much pain as she is in and she also said there is no way that she could take care of him as well as he takes care of her.  If you believe in prayer, I ask that you pray for her to find some kind of comfort and hopefully some relief from the terrible pain.  Her name is Sue.
At one point I would have said that these kind of things really make me think and realize that I take my life for granted.  But I don't think that too much anymore.  I no longer take anything for granted.  I have seen too much pain and suffering in my life.  It's everywhere.  It is not just illness.  It is people's jobs, relationships, children, and overall trials and tribulations that are faced every day.  It does make me less tolerable toward people who are generally selfish and mean.  I listen to people talk to others and wonder what drives a person to be short and curt and overall crappy?  And why do so many people beat others when they are already down?  There is definitely a lack of love and appreciation in our relationships.
I know "I love yous" can be over-used at times.  I try not to do that but I also say it if I feel it - even if it's 5 times in one day.  It feels good to be loved and it feels good to be complimented.  I had someone tell me the other day how pretty I am.  That didn't just make my day - it made my week and maybe my month!  It's the little things that keep us going and I am so thankful every day that I am loved and appreciated.  And when I feel down, I do my best to remember that I am not forgotten.  I may feel lonely at times but I do know there are people out there who are thinking of me - maybe that very second I feel lonely.  And that brings a sense of comfort.
Friday I went to an 8th grade promotion ceremony at La Mesa Middle School.  Teenagers are like little foreign objects to me.  Just the way they talk, dress, and carry themselves.  Since I don't have kids I probably look at them differently than if I did.  One little girl gave a speech about inspiration and named someone who influences and possibly motivates.  Her example was Lady Gaga.  REALLY?!  I knew right then and there that my understanding of that generation is seriously lacking!  Anyway, it was amusing.  Luigi's twin nieces are now on their way to high school.  Along with all the other thousands of these strange little characters.
It appears that I have secured free rooms at Green Valley Ranch Resort and Spa for ALL of my guests in August for the birthday party.  How awesome is that?  It's a very nice place and I am so happy that this is working out.  Of course, I still have flashbacks of my weekend at Imperial Palace with the pigeons.  I won't rest easy until this really does come to fruition!  My brother in law, Antonio, is really helping me out with this whole thing and I am so grateful.  He is dealing with Tony the Weasel so I don't have to. 
Tuesday is weigh-in again.  Not sure how I'm feeling about this one.  It's been a tough week and I will leave it at that.  However, I was back at the gym today and am working toward feeling renewed to keep with this another 7 weeks until August.  I am determined to hit 100 pounds by then.  Determined!
Will report back tomorrow...♥
60 Challenge...
60 Challenge Day #24
"A Picture of Your Favorite Disney Character"

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Blood N Stuff

Day #?  I have no idea!  I am still on the Optifast and plugging along.  I have lost 70.2 pounds as of yesterday!  My first big goal was to lose 85 pounds by the time my group ends.  I have 2 weeks to go and realistically, it's not going to happen.  But that's fine.  I do what I can and have decided to keep going on this thing and start on June 28 with a new group.  It's a day by day struggle but also a day to day journey and self-realization.  I'm proud of myself.  Not perfect but no one is.  As long as I can remember that, I'm ahead of the game.
So here is a weird, gross kind of thing that happened today.  At my job I am the first person to log in the files after they come back from the courtroom.  My attorneys place them on a table for me in the file room.  What I do with them after that would bore you to tears.  However, today I went in to the file room to pick up my files and I noticed that the file on the top of the pile had red marks on it.  I looked at it closer and said to self "self, is that blood?"  Dried blood is rather obvious.  So I picked up the file (careful not to touch the blood) and see that the next file has bloody smears on it too.  As do the next 2.  Please do not picture a homicide scene with blood splatter.  That would be over-stating what it was.  But it was definite smears of blood.  I was completely horrified.  So I opened up the files to see which attorney was in court with these files.  Having found the culprit I took 2 of the files into my friend Sujata's office and said "look!".  She was grossed out.  Our friend, Kim, was sitting in the there and said "I know where that blood came from!"  Turns out this certain attorney had a bloody nose during court and I guess she thought it was ok for blood to be smeared on my files?  I heard that the bailiff told her they needed to break so she could take care of her bloody nose.  She didn't want to.  She would rather flippin' bleed on my (now) bloody files!  WTF?  I was beside myself.  This is the same attorney who takes files in to the public bathrooms to review them while taking care of business.  Disgusting to put it mildly!  Long story short...I complained to my supervisor who was horrified who complained to the chief of our office who was equally horrified.  Really, this could be a potentially dangerous situation.  Probably not this time but YOU JUST DON'T DO THAT!  If I got blood on stuff, I would not even think of doing what she did.  Anyway...I was asked to carefully make new files and I was told that I should never be subjected to those conditions and that this person would be dealt with accordingly.  What a pain in the ass stupid thing to have to deal with today! This happened around 1ish and I was thinking I might be getting a personal phone call at 1:30 and was trying to deal with this before that time so I could take a break.  No break of course.  Ug.
I still haven't finished making new files so I will complete that fun task in the morning.  I needed to leave work in order to get my hair done.  Priorities you know!  When you have seriously gray roots, action must be taken.  I went darker this time.  I like it.  Ashleigh refuses to let me be blonde so if I can't do that, I may as well do the opposite.
Here's the new color...

Will be back tomorrow to continue the saga of my weird life. 
Here is my Zoe's new "house"...nothing like an empty box from Trader Joe's!♥

My Kitty, Zoe! 06/07/11

Friday, June 3, 2011

Blog Update

Been on a short Blog Break.  Will be back in a couple of days.  Happy Friday! ♥