Saturday, October 29, 2011

A Random Posting

I know I haven't blogged in over a week.  So I will give a quick run down of the past week...

--Repeated Process many times

Now that everyone is caught up with my life... Roxie had her mouth surgery last week and is doing SO good.  She has a rather toothless smile but she is a happy girl.  She has plenty of teeth left to eat her favorite Trader Joe's Peanut Butter Dog Cookies and really, that's all that matters in life.  Oh, and a pillow to lay your head on.

Went to see Esther in the care center this afternoon.  She is doing so much better than when I saw her the other day.  She recognized me and answered my questions.  She kept looking at the shirt I was wearing and acted like she wanted to say something.  It's a green and white striped shirt.  Later tonight I realized what that was about.  When we were in Las Vegas in August she saw me wearing the shirt and mentioned how she liked the green.  Obviously, she still likes it!

Stopped at Bath and Body Works tonight to pick up something that I needed.  While I was there I saw a TON of things that I wanted.  They have something like 20 different fragrances of candles for the holidays.  I loved about half of them.  I really wish someone would take me there on a shopping spree.  I really love that store.  I had a coupon for a free travel size of something.  I got a shower gel in a new fragrance that they have called Paris Amour or something like that.  I am just a freak about shower gels, body sprays, and lotions.  I have really cut back over the past couple of years but it probably still looks a little bit out of control to the non-freaks.  I will have to post a pic on here of my downsized supply.  And the thing is - I use all of them.

Trying to decide if I am going to sell some pies for the holidays.  I can use the money but I don't make all that much.  I will have to think about that.  This week I am going to test out a pumpkin pound cake.  I like plain pound cake so not sure about the pumpkin.  I wish I could cook and bake all the time.  I wish I could make decent money with it.  Maybe I should try.

Wishing all a good Football Sunday. ♥

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