Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Why do some people stop at a light and leave 2 car lengths between them and the car in front?

How is it that you can walk away from a public toilet and not notice that the toilet seat cover is still on there?

Is it necessary to make that crinkling sound when drinking out of a water bottle?

How is it possible to use the words "yummy" and "delicious" when eating a meal out of a microwaved cardboard box?

Why do women fan their faces with their hand to keep from crying?  It doesn't work...either you cry or you don't!

Those are just a few questions that I have pondered this week.  Tomorrow is my last work day of the week because Friday is a Holiday!  Gracias, Cesar Chavez.  I beat someone at Scrabble tonight whom I rarely beat!  Totally made my day.  I got a nosebleed tonight.  I have had more nosebleeds in one year than I have had my entire life.  I am wondering if my brain is disintegrating and bleeding out?  That would explain a WHOLE lot!  Tracey, a friend, posted a link to an old Eric Carmen song on Facebook today.  "All By Myself".  I love, love, love that song.  She mentioned how it brings back memories.  Couldn't possibly be true because I own all the memories associated with that song!  There I myself again.  Dating as in age not dating as in I take myself out on dates.  It's just weird when coincidences happen...
It's 10:30 and my dog and I are headed to bed...nite! ♥

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