Friday, September 23, 2011

On Eating and Cooking

So it's been a while since my last post.  I just haven't been in a writing kind of mood.  Actually I have felt like death for almost a month but this week I think I might live after all.  I had no idea how pneumonia can drag you down for a very long time.

Very long week - it just seemed to go on forever.  Today was no exception.  I think that attorneys have the ability to suck the life out of a person.  Not all of them because I have a few friends who are attorneys and of course I have nothing but fabulous things to say about them!  But the rest of them can truly do you in.  Obviously I am a glutton for punishment because I have been working in law offices for most of 25 years.  I know enough law that honestly, I should have gone to law school and been one of those people who sucks life out.  My bad for sure!

I had something happen to me today that I knew was going to happen but I didn't know when or who.  I was eating a cheese sandwich on a bagel for lunch and someone said to me "I can't believe you are eating something you shouldn't have".  Ouch.  With having gone through a weight loss program, you are bound to face all kinds of comments.  And I have.  I am not done with my journey but I definitely am having a bit of a struggle right now.  One of the feelings (or fears) that you have is that everyone is looking at you and everyone is judging you when you put food into your mouth.  It's a horrible feeling.  I always feel like people are watching.  And then today, sure enough, someone said something.  I didn't know what to say.  I ended up essentially saying was that I would like to be able to eat with zero comments from anyone.  She kind of made a joke about it by saying it just looked good and she wished she had one too.  I know people think it.  Just keep it to yourself.  Sensitive subject material.

While on the subject of food and how Jules shouldn't be eating it (unless it's green and leafy), I have decided that I want to start a food blog.  I know, I know...I don't keep up with this blog so why add another?!  Just because.  My favorite books to read are not mysteries, romance, self help, or historical.  They are cookbooks!  Yes, I actually read cookbooks.  I have read cookbooks since I was a little kid.  I love cooking magazines.  I also read menus from restaurants online.  I love reading about what ingredients are put together to make something.  It fascinates me.  I day dream about cooking and baking.  Surprisingly, I don't dream about eating it though.  Just the cooking part.  And it's such a natural high when you make something and someone tells you how wonderful it is.  So fun and satisfying to me.  What I need to do is figure out a name for the blog and launch it. 
New favorite TV show this season..."Revenge".  A fun watch.  Not funny, but fun.  Definitely not funny.  And my ongoing favorite show..."Chopped".  Cooking show of course.  Totally hooked.

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