I'm trying to think if I should share the good or the bad...ha! there is no good! Actually that is not true but it's just more on the bad side than the good.
New "do". I think I like it. It's a lot shorter. Kind of got a bob cut. No more a-line. Was getting tired of it being longer in the front than the back. I have decided I don't like the dark hair anymore so I am going to gradually go lighter without bleach. I don't think bleach and hair should mix. I was telling my hair stylist about a technical hair term that she is too young to know about. Remember "frosting"? My grandma would say "I really need to get my hair frosted"! Oh the good 'ol days. So the hair is the good part of my day.
Woke up and could hardly walk. My lower back was siezing up. It is better tonight though. Went to see the Opthlmologist today for the flashes in my eye. He never came out and said it but I believe what I was diagnosed with was old age. Seriously. Fortunately, there is nothing terribly wrong with my eye.
When Luigi lost his mortgage job, he had to pretty much do away with his business attire wardrobe. I took most of his shirts and put them in a heavy duty laundry bag and figured one day I would go through it and keep or give away. I decided tonight was that time. He went to the garage to get the bag. All was well until he got into the house and we smelled this horrible stench. There was a dead man in the bag! No, I am kidding. Really I am! Actually the bag was wet and had obviously been wet for some time. Everything in the bag was ruined. Hundreds of dollars of shirts and pants. Very painful throwing away Brooks Bros and Ralph Lauren dress shirts. I wanted to cry. But in the end, it's all just material stuff and does it really matter? Well in this case it was rotten material stuff! Where the water came from I have no idea. The day we moved it was pouring rain so maybe it got wet then? Who knows.
The bad (actually sad) part of my day...a very genuine and nice man is dying tonight. I have probably never mentioned him to anyone at any time. He goes to my parents' church. Doug Mitchell. Loves the Lord. Loves animals. His best friend is his 3 year old dog, Ty. Less than a year ago Doug started to get unsteady on his feet. He finally told a few people that he had been diagnosed with Lou Gherigs Disease. Every single day he has suffered. I have never seen anyone lose quality of life as fast as Doug has. He was just here in July for my mom's party. He was in a wheelchair. Still able to get on his feet but better in his chair. 3 months later...he is on hospice. My parents took him some lunch on Sunday. He has a hard time swallowing. He ate the applesauce that my dad made. Today...he slipped into a semi-lucid coma. Hospice nurses left his wife with some bottles of morphine this afternoon and said to call if need be. The blessing would be for Doug to go tonight. Hospice said it could be a couple of weeks but that seems highly doubtful. I am so sad. But I know he is headed for sleep and there is no pain when you sleep. I pray that God and the Angels watch over him tonight and give him peace.
So truly...losing a bag of stupid clothes is NOT so bad after all. Losing Doug is what is bad. I'm glad I know the difference.
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