Really tough day. Work was rotten. Rotten to the core. Constant problems in conjunction with an attorney who can't sit still. The whole pacing back and forth throughout the office is enough to make one insane. All this while talking to themselves. Full on conversations. Very, very disturbing.
Today was my friend Sue's funeral. A sad day for me. Of course, knowing she would be buried today but also because I could not be there for the service. Work trumped. Not saying I was no allowed to go...just that I had limited time to go and I weighed the options - staying at work or flying up the freeway for an hour to sit through a service while watching the clock and then flying back to Vista. All in about 3 hours. That option seemed very overwhelming to me. I saw Sue before she died and that is what matters.
Went to group tonight. For the first time ever I gained weight. Just the cherry on top for my day. But tomorrow is another day and in the scheme of life, it didn't really matter. What does matter is gaining weight every week for weeks on end. Then you end up FAT (I have all rights to say that word) and you go home every day after work and plop your butt down on the couch and not do a darn thing. I have realized during this journey how very hard our poor hearts have to work when one is carrying around extra weight. And absolutely no motivation to go out and walk,'s pathetic. I was there - I know. I can now look at an overweight person who doesn't do a darn thing about it and say "what a lazy, uncaring person". I recognize it right away. How can you care about other people if you don't have it in you to care about yourself? And yes, I am STILL plenty overweight. It's a battle every day but I refuse to die not caring about my body. I lost weight and climbing a hill is easy. I can actually tie my shoes without effort. I can cross my legs (imagine that!) and hallelujah I do not snore anymore! A long road to travel...for the rest of my life. But it makes me happy to care about myself. And THAT is so important.
So last night I was feeling overwhelmed yet again and decided I should do something physical. So I went to aqua class at 24. I get into the pool area and I look around and realize that while the title does not state this, this is a senior citizen's class! 3 men and a whole bunch of silver-haired ladies! For the second time in 2 months, I looked around and said "piece of cake - I can kick these old people in the ass". Wrong again! That darn class kicked ME in the ass. I need to stop judging the old folks and focus on myself. Ouch!
So Buggy has a new source for water. Buggy, by the way, is Zoe. I started out calling her Zo-Bug and somehow she became Buggy! But she answers to both Zoe and Buggy. Anyway, she gets up on the bathroom counter and wants me to turn on the water for her so she can get a drink. So darn cute! She only likes a trickle though. Sometimes she licks it and other times she sticks her paw under the water and licks it off her paw. Such a darn cute cat. I love cat's little minds - they are always zooming. It amazes me to watch her and see what she sees. A great view at times! ♥
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