So I was just reading news online - catching up with this whole concept of the 51st State...South California. You know, getting myself edumacated. Here's the deal...I am way too tired to make an intelligent comment about any of this. So I will stay silent. When I'm tired, these are the kind of comments that I end up posting online...
"I would kick Fairy Barry Lee in the nuts...if he had any. Glad I don't rely on him for my kibbles and water every day. Moron." Yep, I just posted that in response to some guy named Barry Lee something or another. He posted a completely ignorant response to a story about a woman who left her puppy in her BMW in the middle of the day with no air, food, or water. The puppy was in there for hours while this idiot woman shopped at the mall. The puppy died. So this moron guy has to make a comment about how we spend too much money on animals and not enough on children. And of course he had to mention the Casey Anthony case. It pissed me off along with a whole bunch of other people. So I could not help myself...I had to say something. Of course, I posted under my dog's name - her Facebook account. Nothing like standing up for what you believe in and hiding behind your Bichon-Poo!
It's kind of been a tough week. I have been feeling a bit under the weather. Fluish. Work has been a little rough. The diet has been a struggle. And this past Friday my friend, Sue (from church), passed away. Her breast cancer spread to her bones and it moved so quickly. I mentioned Sue just a few blogs back after I had been to visit her. She was definitely my favorite person @ church. I certainly miss knowing she is no longer here. I remember the last time I saw her she told me how much she loved me. I will never forget she said that. I know I will see her again someday.
Sure is a lot of sadness and strife going on right now. A lot of people are sick...very sick. Some are unemployed. Some are addicted. And some are just fighting with their own demons. I wish I could fix everyone and everything but I realize I just can't do that. I pray for all of these people every day. That is what is most needed and most appreciated.
Thanks for reading my blog. And by all means, if you catch me being a lagger, just give me a swift but not very painful kick in the ass and tell me to get posting! ♥
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