Monday, July 25, 2011

Got Hubcaps? I Do!

This day was so long and tedious that it should be very close to the weekend now.  But it's not.  The weekend was too short and today was too long.  Completely mixed up. 
Got to see me friend, Stephanie, after a very long time.  It's not that we live that far apart but as life seems to go, we all lose track of time.  The funny thing is...we used to live about 5 minutes from each other when I lived in Menifee and I never once made it to her house.  That's pretty bad.  But we don't pay attention to that.  When we do see each other it's as if no time has passed at all.  We have always been that comfortable together.  We have been friends for about 31 years.  And here we are in 2011...

Steph and Jules 7/23/11
So today didn't start out too good.  It got a little better in some respects but in others...not so much.  Last night while visions of sugarplums danced in our heads (ok that was truly a corny thing to say), someone stole all 4 hubcaps off of the Jetta.  Also let the air out of the front tire.  What the heck.  That really didn't settle well with me.  I just don't get why someone would do that.  And it happened right outside my bedroom window.  Nice.  There is some good news though.  When Luigi got home from work, he went in search of the hubcaps.  Looked in the dumpster and all around.  I would have never thought to look for them myself.  I got home and there they were stacked up on my back patio!  Awesome!  Someone had hid them in the vacant lot next to my condo building.  Hidden behind a bush.  Possibly they were coming back for them?  I have no idea but I am thankful to have them back.  Doesn't solve an obvious problem though.
So just when the day was looking like it was improving, the toilet in the master bathroom broke.  Toilets are often an easy fix but this certainly is not.  That is actually Luigi's bathroom so Zoe and I are hesitantly allowing him to use our bathroom.  But he will have to pay rent.  Zoe drives a hard bargain.
Roxie goes to the doggie day spa tomorrow.  The whole woolly lamb thing has got to go.  She gets so furry that after she gets a cut, she looks like she just went on a very successful diet.  Wish it were that easy!
I steered clear of the President's speech tonight.  I have never heard him say anything worthwhile so why start listening now?  I went with the much more mature, sophisticated tv viewing.  That would be The Bachelorette.  I would talk about that but the old saying applies here: If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all!
Don Henley is coming here in October.  I am now accepting free tickets.  Please contact me for my address!  Love him.
Chocolate Cake with Whipped Cream Frosting or Lemon Meringue Pie?  Mom's birthday is on Wednesday and I just can't decide what to make... I have always hated decisions.
Here's to a better day tomorrow! ♥

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Really tough day.  Work was rotten.  Rotten to the core.  Constant problems in conjunction with an attorney who can't sit still.  The whole pacing back and forth throughout the office is enough to make one insane.  All this while talking to themselves.  Full on conversations.  Very, very disturbing.
Today was my friend Sue's funeral.  A sad day for me.  Of course, knowing she would be buried today but also because I could not be there for the service.  Work trumped.  Not saying I was no allowed to go...just that I had limited time to go and I weighed the options - staying at work or flying up the freeway for an hour to sit through a service while watching the clock and then flying back to Vista.  All in about 3 hours.  That option seemed very overwhelming to me.  I saw Sue before she died and that is what matters.
Went to group tonight.  For the first time ever I gained weight.  Just the cherry on top for my day.  But tomorrow is another day and in the scheme of life, it didn't really matter.  What does matter is gaining weight every week for weeks on end.  Then you end up FAT (I have all rights to say that word) and you go home every day after work and plop your butt down on the couch and not do a darn thing.  I have realized during this journey how very hard our poor hearts have to work when one is carrying around extra weight.  And absolutely no motivation to go out and walk,'s pathetic.  I was there - I know.  I can now look at an overweight person who doesn't do a darn thing about it and say "what a lazy, uncaring person".  I recognize it right away.  How can you care about other people if you don't have it in you to care about yourself?  And yes, I am STILL plenty overweight.  It's a battle every day but I refuse to die not caring about my body.  I lost weight and climbing a hill is easy.  I can actually tie my shoes without effort.  I can cross my legs (imagine that!) and hallelujah I do not snore anymore!  A long road to travel...for the rest of my life.  But it makes me happy to care about myself.  And THAT is so important.
So last night I was feeling overwhelmed yet again and decided I should do something physical.  So I went to aqua class at 24.  I get into the pool area and I look around and realize that while the title does not state this, this is a senior citizen's class!  3 men and a whole bunch of silver-haired ladies!  For the second time in 2 months, I looked around and said "piece of cake - I can kick these old people in the ass".  Wrong again!  That darn class kicked ME in the ass.  I need to stop judging the old folks and focus on myself.  Ouch!
So Buggy has a new source for water.  Buggy, by the way, is Zoe.  I started out calling her Zo-Bug and somehow she became Buggy!  But she answers to both Zoe and Buggy.  Anyway, she gets up on the bathroom counter and wants me to turn on the water for her so she can get a drink.  So darn cute!  She only likes a trickle though.  Sometimes she licks it and other times she sticks her paw under the water and licks it off her paw.  Such a darn cute cat.  I love cat's little minds - they are always zooming.  It amazes me to watch her and see what she sees.  A great view at times! ♥

Friday, July 15, 2011

Thoughts on a Friday Night

Long day.  And I actually had to work 5 days this week.  Not cool.  Tomorrow is an office bbq but I am not going to go.  Just not feeling it right now.  But in the afternoon I am doing a "me" thing.  Booked a massage at Massage Envy.  It's definitely not the spa but I need it and don't truly need the spa experience.

I think my upstairs neighbors are plotting something illegal in their garage which is on the other side of my bedroom wall.  They are constantly working in there with the garage door closed so no one can see.  The said they were building cabinets but I think not.  Because the garage door was propped open just a bit today and I saw a door.  Which means they are building a room.  Now why would one need a room in the garage?  Esp a garage that does not have access to the house.  Something is not right.  I certainly hope it isn't a meth lab considering we share a wall.  Not sure what to think...

I have a neighbor who lives in the next building over.  Her name is Cheryl.  Very nice person.  I am trying to figure out what to do...she is bigger than I am and I know for a fact that I have hundreds of dollars worth of clothes that she can wear.  Some still have the tags.  I can tell she doesn't have a lot of money and really could use the clothes.  I just don't want to insult her in any way.  Not so much the fact that she needs clothes but I don't know how to offer up larger clothes to someone without hurting their feelings.  Maybe I should just let it go.  But then I think of Kathy in my weight loss group who gave me all of her "fat" clothes and I was SO happy and thankful to get them.  She just walked up to me and said I have size such and such clothes...would you like them?  Maybe I should just invite Cheryl over and tell her that we seem to be about the same size and would she like to look at what I have in case she would like some.  I don't know!  Aww heck.

I have been having horrible headaches for a few days and I think I just figured out why.  It has to do with me being incredibly dense.  I am on about 4 different medications.  I ran out of one of them.  I won't go into detail but this particular one is my main depression med.  I don't think I have taken it since Monday...thus, the headache.  The part where it's a failure on my part is that I picked up new medication at the pharmacy on Tuesday and then forgot about it.  The bag from the pharmacy is still in the trunk of my car.  I really need to get out to the car and get back on track.  Serves me right.  I feel really awful.  Obviously it's because I am going through withdrawals - cold turkey.  Like I said--dense.  (that's a nice word for "stupid idiot").

And this looks like fun...

They are so pretty but I am terrified of them!  But not as much as the thought of riding in a helicopter.  A fear I must conquer! ♥

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Fairy Barry Lee

It's been 14 days since my last post.  Certainly not on the road to being named Blogger of the Year.  My other/better half reminded me this afternoon that I need to post.  Right he is and here I be.

So I was just reading news online - catching up with this whole concept of the 51st State...South California.  You know, getting myself edumacated.  Here's the deal...I am way too tired to make an intelligent comment about any of this.  So I will stay silent.  When I'm tired, these are the kind of comments that I end up posting online...

"I would kick Fairy Barry Lee in the nuts...if he had any. Glad I don't rely on him for my kibbles and water every day. Moron."  Yep, I just posted that in response to some guy named Barry Lee something or another.  He posted a completely ignorant response to a story about a woman who left her puppy in her BMW in the middle of the day with no air, food, or water.  The puppy was in there for hours while this idiot woman shopped at the mall.  The puppy died.  So this moron guy has to make a comment about how we spend too much money on animals and not enough on children.  And of course he had to mention the Casey Anthony case.  It pissed me off along with a whole bunch of other people.  So I could not help myself...I had to say something.  Of course, I posted under my dog's name - her Facebook account.  Nothing like standing up for what you believe in and hiding behind your Bichon-Poo!
It's kind of been a tough week.  I have been feeling a bit under the weather.  Fluish.  Work has been a little rough.  The diet has been a struggle.  And this past Friday my friend, Sue (from church), passed away.  Her breast cancer spread to her bones and it moved so quickly.  I mentioned Sue just a few blogs back after I had been to visit her.  She was definitely my favorite person @ church.  I certainly miss knowing she is no longer here.  I remember the last time I saw her she told me how much she loved me.  I will never forget she said that.  I know I will see her again someday.
Sure is a lot of sadness and strife going on right now.  A lot of people are sick...very sick.  Some are unemployed.  Some are addicted.  And some are just fighting with their own demons.  I wish I could fix everyone and everything but I realize I just can't do that.  I pray for all of these people every day.  That is what is most needed and most appreciated.
Thanks for reading my blog.  And by all means, if you catch me being a lagger, just give me a swift but not very painful kick in the ass and tell me to get posting! ♥