Friday, November 19, 2010

They say Money Grows on Trees...

I have the biggest cold sore ever.  It is by far the biggest, ugliest one I have ever owned.  Hideous really.  Every time I look in the mirror I feel as if it has grown.  If you can't take ugly, don't look...

Somebody PLEASE help me!  I have tried Lysine, Abreva, and even covered it with Milk of Magnesia.  I thought these things were supposed to get better with time but it ain't happening here.  My friend Patty told me they have something called Valtrex (prescription) so that may be tomorrow's attempt.

As I write this, my upstairs neighbors seemed to have just gotten home.  Last night I had to call the sheriff on them.  Partying on a Thursday night - loud music,  yelling, rolling stuff across the floor...not my idea of a work night.  Any night for that matter.  After the sheriff left, the party somewhat broke up but they thought they would teach me a lesson and stomp on the floor until 1:30ish a.m.  From the sounds of it, they intend to punish me tonight too.

Roxie claimed she was ill tonight so yours truly took her to the vet.  $178.00 later...she was the Belle of the Ball at the animal center.  Wagging the poofy tail, shaking paws, smiling, accepting cookies from strangers, and laughing at me the whole time. She did have a complete blood panel done.  If there is nothing wrong with her blood work, they believe she may have a serious case of Zoe-itis which is depression over having a new kitten in the house to share the attention.  Nice.  It's ok - money does grow on trees after all.  Right?

I said I would talk about my sister today but I think I will leave that for tomorrow.  I'm too tired and broke to even think about her.

Wishing all a wonderful weekend (rain here in Southern Cali). ♥

P.S.  Remember the 24 hours with no Facebook games?  I relapsed.

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